Thursday, March 6, 2014

Rethinking Things/A New View.

     I am in desperate need of stepping back and rethinking how I am doing things with my fitness.  I have fallen of the deepest of ends, and I need to fix that big time!  Trying to do the ab challenge (Which I completely failed at if you haven't noticed) made me realize something: I don't like doing the same thing over and over again.  It bored me to dead, and I lose interest in it really quickly.  Because of this, I have not been doing may exercises, excluding derby, and it has resulted in me gaining weight again.  I HATE IT!  So one change is that I am no longer going to be doing any more of those workouts that make me do the same exercises everyday.
     I am very lucky that I still have Roller Derby and love it to my core.  It has definitely kept me from gaining the weight back quickly.  We always do something different, and to me that keeps it exciting and fun.  I am definitely progressing as the time goes by.  We had our minimum skills assessments this week, and I still have a couple of things to work on, but all in all I am ten times better than I was when I went through the assessments for the first time.  Luckily we will be going over what I need to do at next practice, and maybe I'll pass those things next week, and I'll get to participate in my first bout in a month!  I love this sport and the team I'm apart of, and I think that is what's keeping me coming back!  I wish I would have joined when I first got my car!
     Outside of practices, I do need to start working out again.  I'm not going to get better if I don't put my 100% in everyday.  I just need to add some spontaneity to my workouts to keep me interested.  I think I might go through and watch a bunch of workout videos, and write down all of the ones I want to do.  I will then number them, and use a number generator to choose which one I want to do.  I'll see how that works.  I also want to start running and dancing again.  I need to build up my endurance (more so that doing my laps will be easier), and those are the two things that I have enjoyed doing endurance wise.  It's still too cold for me to run outside, but I have access to the rec center, and I have plenty of dance videos that I want to learn.  It helps that I have a boyfriend who likes to do things and be active.  We have been wanting to play tennis for the longest times, but snow and other weather elements have kept us from doing that.   He also likes to be outside.  He likes to fish, hike, and just enjoy nature, and I love that!
     As far as my food consumption goes, I have not been doing so hot.  And yes I refuse to call it a diet.  Diet makes me think of failure, and failure sucks!  I have been eating fast food more often than not, and I haven't really been making my meals like I should.  That's one habit I need break fast.  In fact I decided to give up fast food for lent.  I did really good last year giving up friend foods for lent, so I'm hoping for the same success.  I also have been eating bigger portions, and boredom/emotional eating have also been a habit I've taken back up.  I have done that since high school.  Soda is also something I need to cut back on hardcore.  When you work at a movie theater with a soda fountain that's always tempting you, It's very hard to not give in.  Though I have re-found my love for water in the past couple of days, so that might help.
     I've also decided that in order for me to make my fitness not feel like a chore is to not have scheduled blog posts.  It's the reason why I didn't completely stick with the weekly vlogs I did last year.  It started feeling like a burden, and it also started getting boring.  I want to have fun with this, so I am going to post when I feel inspired, or when I find a workout or recipe that I absolutely love and want to share.  I feel like it will be more real, and maybe make it more fun.
     Until next time, I hope you all have a great day!

Best wishes and DFTBA


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