Friday, January 9, 2015

Getting back on track!

This week has been a lot more active for me.  Derby started back this week, and I felt I've had more energy to do work outs this week.  I got new work shoes, and my feet don't hurt so much after standing for hours.  That makes it so much easier for me to want to be active.

I think the main reason why I didn't workout or take advantage of my 3 week break from roller derby was to give my feet (Mainly my left foot because of the plantar fasciitis that had developed early last year) some rest to heal.  It worked!  I haven't had any pain in my feet in a while.  I also recently found out that I have been wearing the wrong size shoes for the last decade or so.  I finally have a pair of shoes that fit, and I feel a major difference, and I've only had them for a week and a half.

So this is my word of advice: If you've never had your feet measured, get them measured!  It helps a TON.  Also if you have lost weight, get them measured again.  Your feet shrink, and your size my shrink as well!

So I weighed myself this morning, and I weighed in at 254.0.  That means I lost 1.2 pounds from last night.  I'm excited.  Within the next couple of weeks (Mostly when I can afford it), I want to start going back to the gym.  I am looking into various gyms, but I feel like I am going to go back to the gym I went to before I joined roller derby.

So until next Friday!  Have a healthy week!  :)



Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Years weigh-In and my intentions for the year!

Hello everyone!  It's been a couple of weeks.  I didn't post on the Friday after Christmas, or any of the other days following that because I was stupid busy.  Having two jobs that are both primarily weekend jobs can be kind of hectic, but when you need the money, you kind of have to get over that.  Also that Friday I didn't weigh in.  I woke up basically an hour before I had to go to work that day, so that was completely at the back of my mind.


I did weigh in this past Friday, and with no surprise to me, I rang in the new year at 255.2 pounds.  I knew I was going to gain.  Next year, I think I am going to ask to not get candy in my stocking because most of the weight I gain was from having too much candy.  I tried to limit my candy intake, but it was just too much of a temptation for me.  But all of that is in the past and I have to focus on the now.

It is the new year, and with the new year comes New Year's Resolutions.  If you have watched any of my videos in the past, you'll have learned that I really don't like making resolutions.  Resolution has a very negative vibe about it because almost everybody who makes them, never really follow through with it.  Most of the people set these goals for things they never do in real life, and the moment they feel uncomfortable with it, they immediately say "I'm done."  I just don't like the feeling of setting up something that I will fail at eventually, so I just never make them.

I just read the perfect article about this very subject.  I finally found somebody who is very like minded about resolutions as me.  Here's a link to that article if you want to read it.  The long and the short of the article is that instead of making resolutions, she makes new year's intentions.  She says in her article, "Intentions are more about progress rather than a specific end point."  I like the idea of focusing more on my progress.  That's why I'm not so adamant about making a goal weight because I'd feel really crappy if I could never get there.  

She also says write them down, so I am going to do that.  So here are my 2015 (and beyond) intentions:

  • The 27 laps in 5 minutes are my bitch! 
  • Fried foods and sodas can kiss my grits! - I feel so much better when I don't eat fried foods or drink soda.
  • My videos are sweet! - I really want to make videos again!
  • Working out is my best friend for life! - whether it's at a gym or at home, I want to work out more.
  • Finally my book shelf holds more read books then to-be-read books! 
  • Water is fabulous! - I just want to drink more water.
Have you all made New Years intentions?  I'd like to know!  :)  

I hope you all have had a wonderful start to the year.  Now that derby has started back, I am going to be a busy bee.  I'm excited!  It's going to be an awesome year!  I can feel it in my bones!